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Stop Sex with Kids campaign turns the corner from education to action: Adults have a responsibility to protect children

April 28, 2010

Winnipeg, MB: Manitobans gathered in downtown Winnipeg today to launch Phase III of the Stop Sex with Kids public awareness campaign -- a call-to-action designed to mobilize adults to get involved and do their part to protect children.

"Men who use kids are sex offenders and it’s up to all of us to do something about it. It’s up to us to protect children," said Gord Mackintosh, minister of family services. "Today we are putting these men on notice: we see them and we will no longer be bystanders to their exploitation and abuse. Our kids are off-limits."

The first two phases of the Stop Sex with Kids campaign, a part of the Manitoba Strategy called Tracia's Trust to address child sexual exploitation, focused on raising the public’s awareness of kids who are being bought for sex in Manitoba. Phase three of the campaign is a call-to-action, putting the onus on all adults to become a part of the solution.

"In Manitoba we have changed our attitudes, changed our language, and now we must change our actions. No longer will these users and abusers be off the hook," said Christy Dzikowicz, Director of Child Find Manitoba. "We will not stand by and allow our children to be harmed."

"The Assembly of Manitoba Chiefs supports the Stop Sex with Kids Campaign. In the city of Winnipeg alone, we have a high number of our children that fall victim to sexual exploitation," said Grand Chief Ron Evans, Assembly of Manitoba Chiefs. "This cannot be tolerated. In working together, we have raised a significant amount of awareness on sexual exploitation. We must continue to take meaningful action to protect our most vulnerable citizens and stop the sexual exploitation of our children. Each of us has a responsibility to keep our children safe."

"As Canada’s global voice against child sexual exploitation, Beyond Borders continues to support the Stop Sex with Kids campaign in Manitoba," states the organization’s president, Rosalind Prober. "We know from our own Man-to-Man campaign efforts that most men are not okay with child sexual exploitation and we encourage their active participation to end the abuse now."

On the new Stop Sex with Kids website, the public can view the new TV PSA, listen to the radio PSA, access all advertising components (billboards, transit and bathroom ads), download the It’s up to me declaration, request a free button, register for the May 25th Workplace Day of Action, and read about two exciting online initiatives that provide Manitobans with the opportunity to visually demonstrate their concern and commitment to the protection of children. Visit

Visit to access the Manitoba Strategy. Visit to access the Man-to-Man campaign.

For more information please contact:
Canadian Centre for Child Protection
Carolyn Shimmin, Communications Coordinator
Phone: 204-945-8074